Elementor Page, I already know. I may have gone a bit overboard with the title, but you’ll see if I’m right or not. Man, it may not change your life, but I guarantee that, at the very least, it will change the perspective in which you manage your website. What’s more: you’ll see that the day you try it you won’t want to work with any other visual editor. Personally, at first I started working with Visual Composer and then moved on to Thrive Content Builder, so I know what I’m talking about (if you want, you can read the reviews of both plugins on my blog).

Stable and precise

The fact is that this Page email contact list Builder was born in June 2016 and in this very short time of life it has already surpassed all the others. If you don’t believe me, look at the following image. Elementor Page . Elementor Compared to Its Competition on Google Trends What you are seeing is a Google Trends graph showing the progression of Elementor compared to Thrive Architect, Thrive Content Builder and Beaver Builder , the other most advanced visual editing plugins of the moment. Elementor is, naturally, the one with the blue line

 Save a lot of time

Here are more data that speak GE Lists of its spectacular growth: It was launched in June 2016 and less than a year and a half later it has more than 300,000 active installations, huge numbers that few plugins achieve, and much more in such a short time. Its average rating is 5 out of 5 in the official WordPress repository (not many can say that either). From day one, and permanently, it releases periodic updates. And they are not (precisely) minor updates: each update includes new functions that radically improve the plugin’s action possibilities.









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