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Their system can be interface

Email and SMS automation solution. In addition to the fact that they increase the turnover and income of your e-shop and help maintain customer relations. With over 300 different e-shop platforms. Of course, our favorite is WooCommerce , but if necessary, we can help interface Klaviyo according to your wishes. Automatic feeback solicitation Do you have information about how the customer like the shopping experience, how satisfie he is with the product or service, whether something nees to be improve – all this information is extremely necessary for your e-store, and our experience shows that almost no e-shop automates this process . -shop.

Studies have shown spee a fast

Of course, larger e-shops do this, but smaller and meium-size e-shops could also automate this process. It’s not rocket science, Webshark will help Latest Mailing Database you with it! E-shop loading e-shop does not cause stress You don’t want your customer to hold his head and wait for the page to load. Take action! A fast loading e-shop is very important to ensure the success of your business. If your page takes too long to load, customers are likely to abandon their shopping cart and may.

Latest Mailing Database

Pages with faster loading

Even look elsewhere for the products they want. that every 1 second (0-5 seconds) delay in page load times can cause a 5% drop in conversion rate . In  addition, a slow website reuces customer satisfaction as customers become restless due to long waiting GE Lists times. In addition, search engines, especially Google , prefer spee and reward them with a higher position in searches ; this in turn helps to increase traffic and through it – obviously, generate more revenue. It is clear that a fast loading spee is important for every e-shop and website if they want to stay competitive, ensure customer satisfaction and get better search results.

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