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Middle East Mobile Number List material

This will help employers understand your experience and determine if you are a good fit for the position.
Examples of job functions might include: Sales, Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Engineering, etc.

Job Classification

Provides a more granular level of categorization within a job function.
It further defines the specific role or responsibilities within a particular function.
Examples of job classifications might include: Sales Manager, Marketing Analyst, Financial Controller, HR Generalist, Software Engineer, etc.

Relationship between Job Function and Job Classification:

Hierarchical Structure: Job function is typically at a higher level than job classification, creating a hierarchical structure.


Job function provides a broad Middle East Mobile Number List overview, while job classification offers a more specific definition.

Middle East Mobile Number List

Importance in SuccessFactors:

Organization: Helps in organizing Buy Country Wise Email Marketing List employee data based on their roles and responsibilities.


Enables HR to generate reports based on job functions and classifications for analysis and decision-making.

Compensation: Can be used to determine compensation ranges and structures based on job functions and classifications

Succession Planning:

Helps identify potential successors for critical roles within

specific job functions and classifications.
In SuccessFactor

Job function and job classification are essential

components of the employee data model, providing a structured framework for managing workforce information and facilitating various HR processes.

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