Getting caught can therefore cause big penalties for your site’s search engine results. According to Google’s rules. buying links is unequivocally prohibit. 6. Buying links Money is known to be a big motivation for sell link space. There are also many services on the Internet that promise you a amount. Most of the time. various blogs and contact forms. through which the acquir links are easily recogniz -> in the worst case. getting punishments from Google that affect the decrease in rankings.
It's about bot services spamming
If you buy links with money. always buy email list them directly from the site owner. one link at a time. Do this: Always contact the site owner directly. Make sure that the link is in dofollow format (default) and that the link remains permanently on the site. Always avoid services that promise you lots of links for a fix price. 7. Charity There will never be a shortage of various non-profit organizations and charitable causes. to add donor information and links to their homepages. The same donation can also be us to advantage elsewhere in your own marketing communications. However.
Many organizations are happy
Nothing guarantees that donors GE Lists will get the visibility and link they want. If a lot of different links are list on the same page. the benefit of the link in terms of Google rankings also decreases. Do this: Map entities that accept donations and list donors on their site. Approach the organizations directly. tell them that you are considering making a donation and politely inquire about what kind of amount you would also get a mention and a link among the donors. 8. Give the product or service free of charge A more common form than direct monetary compensation is to give the company’s physical products or services free of charge. In particular.